Yahoo.....managed to get cheap tickets to Hong Kong...RM2k for tickets through here we go.....Ben's first trip overseas in 2 years...last time we travel to Sydney, it was when he just turned 1. Since he is now much bigger and much more active, we thought that we will try out somewhere nearby first...HK...and further we can visit Disneyland since he now knows who Mickey and Donald is.

At KLIA....hey, Ben...can you please slow down???!!!
He loves those airport trolleys...

Hmmm...taking a cup of orange cordial... his new book....recently he had a liking for mouse books by this author name Leo Lionni...and thanks to this lady which I know at Scholastic...I got his books pretty cheap.

...checking out his safety belt...

...yum else...nasi lemak with the sambal separated....Ben loves his rice! Another good reason why we go to problem about food.

...and another sip from the cup....

..about to reach HK...better put on the sweater...

...whew...tired after the aeroplane ride...

...hey, what is that I see???? Look out for the new post!
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