Ben had a sleep over at the Bao Bei school one was Rm90 and we quickly paid to book a place...2 days without Ben...hehe...terrible parents hoh! But husband said it was also good exposure for Ben. We were nearby and we trust the teachers to take good care of Ben for us.

The "invitation" letter...

...all ready to go......VIP Bag! Thank you Aunty Shell Hua for the tag!

...sleeping bag from Tesco...

...His "pi" (short-form for pillow) or "squeeze-squeeze"....toothbrush and toothpaste....diapers...yes, when he does his big motion, he still needs to use diapers as he has this fear of dropping into the toilet bowl...

..close-up the bag...all ready to GO!

..taking the bag for a spin...
...showing his favourite teacher his bag....this teacher very good...even though she is no longer working with the school...she purposely came back to help out as she misses the children a lot........Hope she comes back permanently one day...
Did Ben stay the whole 2 days...Actually he did not give any problems at all...but he was having a stomach virus made him have watery stools...and sometimes he could not make it to the toilet. This came about only at night...and then the teachers (pity them! have to clean up....Ben told me that they had 2 vacuum blue and one red) call me up to bring Ben back at 11:30pm. Teachers only had praises for him as he was relatively un-demanding and was quite easy to pleased. :)....We also had a good break as we went to watch a show at the MPO......we really should visit the MPO more often!

...So Monday it is off to the paedetrician for a round of he is playing in the clinic...

I am happy to report after another day of cleansing (which meant a lot of work for me! Phew).....he is fine already. Actually during this time, Ben did now show any sign of weakness at all...he was still playing actively.......though he could not make it to the toilet in time.
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