This is really a long over-due blog. When I realise that it the second mid term holidays is just around the corner , ohmigosh.....I have yet to blog about our first visit to the zoo during the first mid term break.
I choose the holidays to bring Ben to the zoo as we will be able to join the school children crowd to the zoo. It will really be boring to go to the zoo and seeing all the animals by ourselves!! It has been years since I visited the zoo and I was a bit hesistant to go as my memories of the zoo was not that impressive. There were not many animals. Whatever animals there was looked so tired! But a nature-loving friend insisted that I go and visit. I was not disappointed.
I did not know that the zoo was quite a distance! This was before Duke Highway was open. Ben fell alseep during the journey.

At last, reach the zoo. Ben still looked half awake....Hahaha!

Hmmmm....what is that animal in the distance??

Hmmm...not very interested in the giraffe....

Snack time...

Let me pose for a picture with the camels....

....the orang utans....

This part is what Ben likes Bestest!!! Feeding the buffaloes .....

Hard at work.........

Buffaloes busy munching away......

Ben having fun with the rest of the kids....the jie jie was kind to Ben as she helped him to pull out the grass from the bundle.

At last, Ben's system is all going and managed to get a picture of him at his best....but it was almsot time to go home....

Asked him to choose a souvenir from the zoo and he choosed this wind mill....look at how happy he is. Of course, the wind mill is now thrown more souvenirs from now onwards.

Overall I am pretty pleased with the zoo. Thinking of visiting it again this holidays. I have yet to visit the other parks which are nearby like the Bird Park. I guess what put me off is having to walk and carry Ben in my arms. At the zoo, there is a train which takes people on a route and drop you off at certain stops. So it will be not stressful for me!
1 comment:
i also want to go!!!!!!!!!!!
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