Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dinner at Elcerdo - Nose to Tail Eating

Ex-colleague was leaving and we had a farewell dinner at Elcerdo in KL. Nice and cosy but a lot of people! You would not be able to get a place unless you made reservations....hmm...isn't the economy out there not doing well????

Anyway the food:-

the Paikut.....

The infamous porky from nose to that tail - actually like our chinese piglet.

Make a wish (money or love?) and then use white plate to cut the porky.

Throw plate into pail after that......Nope the sexy body there is not mine unfortunately....
End result.

And this is what I come back to - my precious little porky at home!


shellhua said...

hey...i know that sexy body. he he he *v*

Alvin said...

nice dish!!! I can't believe the pig or piglet(?)...looks very very yummY!!!!