Tuesday, December 30, 2008
One Utama Trip
The other day, tried to take a set of 7 photos in one utama just to get a free towel. Wow, it was difficult. At first it was easy when Ben was still in a good mood. Then as you can see from the last pictures, he was getting more and more difficult. And he is strong. There was no stopping him already. By the time we click the camera - he was already off on his way.
Jack, my nephew instead managed to take 4 sets of photos!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Bagan Lalang Beach
Read about this place from another mother's blog -http://mytwogirls.net/index.php?p=1013
So we try it out. It is a wonderful place! Why? Because Ben gets to run around and mummy and daddy does not need to worry about him getting lost. The beach is pretty long so there are not many people. And also I think a lot people are not aware of it compare to Port Dickson. Another positive factor is the water is cleaner (compared to Morib - yes, we have tried that place as well) but a bit muddy when he plays around. The water is pretty shallow which allows Ben ample space to run around and around. We tah pau economy noddles (which you can see Ben chewing away).
How to get there? Go along the road to Sepang LCCT. At one of the roundabout before reaching LCCT, turn left heading towards Bandar Emstek. Once you reach the traffic lights, turn right (to Sg Pelek) and then keep following the directions to Sepang Gold Coast (this sign is the easiest to follow as it is bright due to previous plans by the government to develop the area) and you will reach the beach in no time! Enjoy! Do bring newspaper (or cloth) to sit on the beach and water to clean up later.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More Pictures of my Little Rascal
Phew, just went out for lunch with 2 friends. They brought me to PJ Old Town of which I am not at all familiar with but now I have found another place to buy vegetables and yummy eating food. But Ben was so cranky. Sigh...I guess I cannot go out for lunch for another few years! As he gets cranky when it is his nap time and he usually naps around 12pm.
Ok, these are some pictures of my little rascal......you can see, how mischievous he is.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Blink Blink
But this lady quite smart - she retire to take care of her children and came out with this business. Sigh, I dont have that entrepreneur streak.......sometimes I think go into business needs money and like what my husband said, better to sit "kwai-kwai" at home, dont spend unnecessarily and then it will be ok! He he...
It has been more than a year I take care of Ben.....it has its ups and downs. Nowadays, Ben is getting quite mischievious. An example of this is throwing things all over the floor. Discipline books and columns on the internet said that I should not scold and even today, when I attended the Tweedlewinks open house, the lady advised that I should be positive. But how in the world am I supposed to be positive when I have to pick up the things like the one millionth time? I have unfortunately resorted to beating his hand and scolding him. Sigh....What to do???? And as advised by one of the mothers as well, put up a naughty chair for him to sit down. Sometimes it just does not work by telling him properly as it almost seemed that my voice just go through his left ear and out his right ear (or the other way round!)....
Hmm...why this long post? I guess I just want to get it out my mind by jotting my thoughts here.
And yes another thing that has been bothering me. Mum has been hassling me for another kid. But the other day when I was down with fever and aching body, I had to take quite a few Panadols which then had a side effect of making my stomach pretty queasy - like when I was pregnant! And then the saliva which I could not swallow effect came in as well! And it all reminds me of my pregnancy last time. So nope, am not going to have another kid. No way am I going to go through 9 months of misery! Too bad, Ben, you will be the only one. You will just have to make do with Jack. And if you happen to be in Sydney, there is Jeff as well.....
Who Ate My Sausage????
Today went for open house for this new programme called TweddleWink. Sounded quite similar to Sich and price also same! RM1.2k for 12 weeks which comes out about RM100 per hour. (Ini belum include the registration fees of RM300 and a refundable deposit of RM300!)
Sigh, things are pretty expansive. Anyway I have always been curious about Sich and the only reason I did not sign up for that it because it seemed their classes are always full. Sich has never call me back even though I left my name and number with them many times and even went to visit them. Sigh...should I or should I not? Anyone got opinion? Of course, it is also basically flash cards as well.....and the way to keep my son still is using the fit ball while putting him in front of the tv. Oh yah...it is recommended to use flat screen tv because it seemed it is less radiation? Is that true, anyone?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
More picts of Master Ben
Just thought that post some picts of Ben here since my brother has been asking. Yes, bro, he loves luncheon meat! He He...no-lar, just joking. Ben still does not take much of other stuff except for white rice and poridge. The pict you see here is just for show only - he tookover our plate of rice before we could sit down.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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